Sharefest: a Gift from Seth Godin

The Mesh, Why the Future of Business is Sharing by Lisa Gansky

Seth Godin likes to share. He has written books, he has a blog, he has written books about his blog. I like to read what Seth shares and I believe what Seth shares.

I also like to get mail. In the mail box. It feels good, and I know that if someone spent the time to send me something then it must be worth sharing with someone else. Well, I got a book in the mail today and it was from Seth Godin. The Mesh is a book about sharing and how businesses would be smart to get on the bus and spread the love before it’s too late.

I really love this concept. Everyone involved in this Sharefest is a winner: I get a free book, Lisa gets Word of Mouth, and Seth looks like a hero. Yet none of it is cheap or phony, it’s authentic and real. And it’s appreciated so, …

Thank you, Seth. Thank you, Lisa. Here is my part of the sharing:

Buy the ‘The Mesh’ by Lisa Gansky

All You Need is Love… and a BlackBerry – Pt. 2

Blackberry - All You Need is Love Runway

All You Need is Love

So here is another one of BlackBerry’s ‘Love What You Do’ commercials. This one is even more confusing than the last. If you remember the Rock Band version, the band practices real hard and becomes great. In this one, two wannabe fashion designers put a show together. I guess if your first show goes well, you can continue to do what you love.  But what if it’s absolutely horrible? I guess you go out and yourself get a BlackBerry.

Become a Fashionista in Five Easy Steps:

  • 1. Work on stuff with friend
  • 2. Fight about it
  • 3. Work on it some more
  • 4. Put on show
  • 5. Rave Reviews to shock the fashion world.

Enter the BlackBerry ‘Love What You Do’ logo again and… scene! So, there is even less connection with technology, smartphones, BlackBerry’s, etc. than I’d like to see.  I think step 3.5 in this version is – Up and coming fashion designers run out of rare and expensive fabric they need to complete new line, use Blackberry to track down new vendor, purchase and ship in time to save the show. I still think if they didn’t have the Beatles cover song, they wouldn’t have a commercial at all.

Take a look:

More Love

The ‘Love What You Do’ campaign has several commercials, check out these others:

Rockband Love

Google Fade In – Search Page Effects

Google Fade In

Google Interface Changes

If you’ve been to Google lately, and I’m sure you have, you might notice the slight fade in effect of the home page. On loading the page, the web page is missing quite a few of the usual links, titles, buttons and other options. You can type your search terms and keywords in the search field and press enter to search or if your mouse enters the page the other fields will show.  Everything “fades” in and gives you a nice visual instead of abruptly pooping onto the page.

I have read that it is causing a bit of confusion among users. I have to admit, when I first notice the effect I thought that my system was hung up or the page stopped loading. I thought was odd being that it’s Google, and I don’t recall a time that they were ever down. Also, some users may not be seeing this because it is based off of browser and system. I don’t know whether Google is rolling this out or just testing it. It may be a Google Labs project but I’m assuming that it will make it’s way past that and be part of the regular page.  They don’t make too many changes to the interface and if it’s made it this far to the public, you can be certain that Google is behind this 100% and only a major backlash from the web community would kill the new feature.

See The Google Fade In Live

Here’s a video of the effect if you aren’t seeing it on your computer:

I am getting used to this visual effect and actually like it. But that may be because I like to keep things simple.  One thing I was thinking would be to keep it empty until you type your search terms and then provide butttons to search based on your needs. So instead of pressing the “Google Search” button, you would press the “Web Search”, “Image Search” “Video Search”, “Blog Search”, etc. buttons. That would limit the need to switch search engines and thus eliminate one more unncessary click.

Droid Does, I Hope So

Droid Does - Google Verizon Smartphone

Oh, I hope it does!

I hope the new Droid phone is everything the iPhone is and isn’t. Everything it is because I was just at an Apple store yesterday and the iPhone is awesome and of course, I want one. And everything it isn’t because it will be available from Verizon so I can actually get one. And since I’m using a BlackBerry on Verizon’s Network, I’m pretty excited about the chance to try out a new phone without having to switch carriers.

iDon’t Believe the Hype

Droid Phone - Verizon GoogleVerizon’s newest smartphone, scheduled for a November release according to the television commercials, is hyped up to be the latest attempt by multiple manufacturers to be labled an “iPhone Killer”. Well, it’ll have to be pretty good. It’s rumored that it will have a 5 megapixel camera with flash, video, GPS directions, full QWERTY keyboard, speech recognition, replacement batteries, run multiple apps, music, “The Network” and 10,000+ Apps. That’s a pretty good start.

Watch the commerical to see if it gets you as excited about the upcoming holiday season as it does me.

There’s a Map for That

Since we’re talking about Verizon vs. Apple, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the other latest commercial from Verizon attacking Apple. Instead of “there’s an App for That” from Apple, Verizon is touting it’s excellent coverage under “There’s a Map for That” coverage. A direct blow from one major network to the other. Enjoy!

All You Need is Love… and a BlackBerry

Blackberry - All You Need is Love

All You Need is Love

Apparently, all you really need is love and a BlackBerry and everything else in between takes care of itself. According to the latest commercial in the ‘Love What You Do’ campaign, BlackBerry is insinuating that if you have one of their smartphones you’ll be able to do whatever you want. Like start a rock band and become really, really, ridiculously famous. I’m just not sure how the phones actually accomplish this for you.

For those of you who haven’t seen the commercial, let me break it down for you.

BlackBerry Saves the World in Five Easy Steps:

  • 1. There’s a band
  • 2. They suck
  • 3. The band practices
  • 4. The band rocks out
  • 5. The band gets fans

Enter the BlackBerry ‘Love What You Do’ logo and… scene! So, I get the point that somewhere along the way the band used their awesome BBs to help them do something productive that could otherwise not be done without them. However, it would be nice if the commercial at least hinted at what that actually was. There should be a step 3.5 – While traveling through the remote parts of the mid-west with little to no mobile coverage, Band connects with concert promoter who gets them a gig at the Whiskey. That would make sense.

The commercial does succeed in pulling some emotional heart-strings, but I’m not sure that is enough to convince people who don’t have BlackBerry’s to buy one. Certainly, if they didn’t have such an established brand they would never be able to pull this off because it is strictly branding and has no product sell value at all.

Take a look for yourself and make your own decision.

More Love

The ‘Love What You Do’ campaign has several commercials, check out these others:

PhotoSketch: Instant Comps, Photoshop Not Required

PhotoSketch Shark Attacks Helicopter

Q: PhotoSketch: Is it real or is it fake?

A: Who cares?

In case you haven’t heard, Photosketch is program that seamlessly stitches several different photographs (found on the internet) into one final image based on a simple sketch with notes. It is brought to you by the brains of five super-computer Chinese technology students at Tsinghua University. The idea is that anyone can do a basic drawing to provide the concept and that PhotoSketch will pump out a picture worthy of sharing with your coworkers to get approval.

The key here is that it is done to provide slightly better than stick figure drawings to help get your point across without having to waste time and energy creating mock-ups, marker comps, cut & pastes or other methods often used in the conceptual phase. The image above was supposedly created from the sketch below. Awesome, right?

PhotoSketch Concept

The Future of Digital Imaging

At this point, PhotoSketch is most likely a pipe-dream “Look what we wish we could do with technology” project than something you could actually begin to use anytime soon. Even if it were available imediately with all the features it boasts, designers shouldn’t be as nervous as some would suggest. Tools will come and go, but knowledge can never be replaced.

As a designer myself, I would use PhotoSketch as a quick concept tool before I ever even opened PhotoShop. It’s just easy, plain and simple.  Take a look for yourself:

PhotoSketch: Internet Image Montage from tao chen on Vimeo.

You can also read more about it and see what other people are saying over at Mashable.

Did You Just Buzzword Me?

No Buzzwords

It’s happened to all of us. Sometimes you see it coming; sometimes it sneaks up and punches you in the gut. Sometimes it steps out of the dark to trip you on your way into the board room. Yet no matter how it happens, your reaction is always the same. A look of disgust accompanied by shock, disappointment and sometimes even humiliation. Yup, you guessed it… you’ve just been buzzworded.

If you work in an office or have ever been to a corporate meeting, there’s a good chance you’ve been buzzworded a time or two. You may have been the direct recipient of a buzzword (ouch) or you may just have been in the room when the speaker launches into a buzzword buzz-storm. Either way, buzzwording is so deeply ingrained in American business it’s virtually unavoidable.

Let’s check the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

Pronunciation: \ˈbəz-ˌwərd\
Function: noun
Date: 1946
1 : an important-sounding usually technical word or phrase often of little meaning used chiefly to impress laymen

2 : a voguish word or phrase —called also buzz phrase

The date for buzzword is listed as 1946. Now, we all know the practice of buzzwording has been around a lot longer than that, but I wish we knew the first documented case of buzzwording. That would be a real treat to hear. The mere definition of the word conveys the deeper meaning of it all – deceit. Buzzwords are words or strings of words meant to confuse, disguise, complicate or mislead someone into believing you know more than you actually do. Buzzwords benefit no one except the user. Unfortunately, buzzwords are so popular, they user may not even know they are using one. This brings us to an even bigger problem, the common acceptance of buzzwords.

There are a ton of commonly accepted buzzwords, think-outside-the-box, solutions provider, synergy, value-add and the list goes on and on. If you’re having trouble thinking of a particularly effective buzzword, please consult the Buzzword Generator or the Web Economy Bullshit Generator for some particularly nice ones.

It should be noted that buzzwords vary from jargon in that jargon has no intent to mislead the listener. Jargon is often necessary in technology and complex industries which require very specific terminology by industry insiders, but when those terms are used outside the industry they can become buzzwords. This ultimately signals the death of that word and gives it a special place in buzzword history.

As it differs from jargon, so is it similar to Bullshit. Harry G. Frankfurt’s beautifully written eighty-page pocket-sized On Bullshit makes the argument that “bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are”. Here, Bullshitters and Buzzworders fall into the same category, disliked. They are disliked so much and so globally that On Bullshit spent 27 weeks as a non-fiction bestseller on the NY Times Best Seller List and has been translated into 15 different languages worldwide.

In your attempt to rid the world of buzzword misuse, perhaps you would like to take up a game of Buzzword Bingo at your next big meeting. Good luck to you! Here’s hoping you can maximize front-end functionalities of low-level partnerships to integrate cross-platform synergies while streamlining scalable networks and leveraging existing technologies to create a best-of-breed business model that harnesses dynamic architectures and frictionless communities.

Wow.  I think I just wrote someone’s mission statement.

The Color of Going Green: New AIGA Membership Cards

New AIGA Membershp Cards

I just got my my new AIGA membership card in the mail the other day and was excited to see the one pictured above. AIGA decided to stop sending out new cards every year and will instead issue new expiration date stickers upon renewal. This will considerably cut down on the amount of plastic they produce and is a strong commitment to sustainable design.

Aside from the fact that the cards are reducing waste, they are designed very well. The one I received is a nice magenta, but I believe that they also come in cyan and yellow. A nice tribute to CMYK and the history of the association. I’m sure they decided that it was about time designers had membership cards that were actually designed well. Thanks AIGA!

Visit AIGA online

****UPDATE 9/11/2010****

Time for my annual membership renewal and sure enough… a nice little striped sticker for my AIGA membership card with the new expiration date arrived in the mail. Thanks, AIGA!

Freemium: How MailChimp Does Free

MailChimp Forever Free Plan

For anyone who hasn’t heard of MailChimp, they provide the hands-down best email marketing tool out there.  And for anyone who has heard of MailChimp, you’re gonna love this.

The new MailChimp Forever Free Plan offers freemium services up to 500 subscribers and 3,000 emails per month. For any small to mid-size business using email to reach their audience not to sign up now would be a total shame. I’m not going to go into a full review of MailChimp, but I will tell you that it has definitely changed the way I approach email marketing.  It’s allowed me to introduce email to clients who may never have thought it possible before. Don’t be fooled by the fun-loving chimps over there, their easy-to-use-but-oh-so-robust tool is awesome.  And their customer service is next to none.

Check ’em out!

What You Can Expect From this Blog

Expectations play a huge role in the success of a good brand.  And the same holds true for blogs.  Readers want relevant posts related to the topics the site covers. Since this blog is brand new I figured it would be a good idea to let everyone know exactly what they are in for before they grab the RSS feed or sign up for the email list.

At some point I will work up a “Making of the Blog” behind-the-scenes post, but for now I’ll tell you what you should be expecting from this site. This website is my personal home on the web. It contains my portfolio of freelance projects as a graphic and web designer, my professional portfolio and resume, and my blog. The blog is a new project and my focus is to write. I’ll write when I don’t have anything to write about. I’ll write when I have other things to do. I’ll even write when I don’t want to. But I will write!

What I Will be Blogging About

I will be blogging about anything and everything that is important to me.  Hopefully, over time, we’ll begin to discover that we have the same interests.  Things that you’ll read about on this blog are Graphic Design, Web Design, Tutorials, Social Media, Business/Small Business, Marketing,  Start-Ups, Entrepreneurs, Drawing, Painting and Photography.

I hope you continue to follow along and share your own stories about blogging and starting out on the web. If you’re new at blogging too, I’d love to hear from you.